Musk announced the day of AI | It’s iPhone 13! Xiaomi opens movie studio, WiFi killer and other news

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And don’t forget the promo code for a 10% discount: KIKOBZOR 00:00 – Intro 00:27 – Drink clean water! 02:02 – Xiaomi can into movies! 03:36 – iPhone 13. Here it is! 05:20 – Another word that could kill the iPhone 06:17 – Huawei’s virtual man 07:33 – Supercharging highway for Tesla 08:28 – Hyundai bought Boston Dynamics 09:44 – Tesla Artificial Intelligence Day 10:32 – New German robot- all-terrain vehicle Instagram:
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TikTok with backstages and co .: Advertising and Collaboration: #Tesla # AI # iPhone13.

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