
Apple’s smart keyboard with Touch ID is on sale independently! Teach you whether it is compatible with Mac? -Mr. Crazy


After Apple launched the new iMac 2021 at the spring conference in April this year, it also brought new smart control accessories, such as a smart keyboard with Touch ID, a smart mouse, and a smart control board, just earlier in Taiwan Apple’s official website is also secretly officially put on the shelves. The first batch can be delivered on 8/5. It is recommended that you also use this article to understand the compatibility before buying, to avoid buying it that will cause the Touch ID to be unusable.

Apple's smart keyboard with Touch ID is on sale independently! Teach you whether it is compatible with Mac?

The new smart control accessories launched on Apple’s official website this year are worth noting that the smart keyboard, mouse and smart control version are not available in other colors. Only white can be purchased. As for the smart control accessories, there are a total of 5 new accessories. Organize as follows (the price is attached together):

  • Smart keyboard with Touch ID and numeric keypad – Price $5,290
  • Smart keyboard with Touch ID-Price $4,290
  • Smart keyboard-Price $2,790
  • Smart mouse control-Price $2,290
  • Smart Control Panel-Price $3,790

At the same time, Apple’s official website also keeps the “Smart Keyboard with Numeric Keyboard” for $3,790. After the iMac Pro was removed from the store, the black version with the digital keyboard and accessories will also be removed. It is more recommended for non-M1 Mac computers. , It is recommended to buy non-Touch ID models with smart control accessories will be cheaper.

Apple's smart keyboard with Touch ID is on sale independently! Teach you whether it is compatible with Mac?

Compatibility of Apple Smart Control Accessories

As for the new smart control accessories can support the use of old Mac computers? This article organizes the compatibility of smart control accessories for everyone:

  • Smart keys with Touch ID and numeric keyboard: only for Macs equipped with Apple chips
  • Smart keyboard with Touch ID: only for Mac with Apple chip
  • Smart keyboard, smart mouse, smart control board: all supported

If you want to purchase “Touch ID with Touch ID” accessories, you need a Mac computer with the M1 series chip to be able to use it perfectly. If it is used for pairing and connection with an Intel Mac computer, you can only type, but the Touch ID fingerprint recognition function will not work.

The main advantage of accessories equipped with Touch ID is that they can provide a fast, simple and safe authentication method for shopping and login. In addition, all new smart control accessories come with a “braided USB-C Lightning charging cable”. To charge, in addition to wireless operation, long-lasting power, each charge can be used normally for one month or more.

If you decide to buy a new smart control accessory, you can order it directly through Apple’s official website. The purchase link on Apple’s official website is as follows:

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