Tim Cook vs. Jony Ive :-: Apple Parody

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*hello Tim what this is that you want

just our name good morning

Johnny hey Johnny

um we need to talk we need to have a

meeting tomorrow morning

okay at 10:00 in my office our phones

our newest phones they’re selling so bad

oh my phone’s not selling well to come

up with a plan well I need you to be my

office by 10:00 well I guess I can um

all right thank you all right bye okay

so listen up tomorrow so you asked me

for some ideas and I think that our

phones are not selling well because um

it’s the screen and the battery it’s too

innovative you know the screen it’s edge

to edge and the battery it’s it’s it’s

out shaped you know so I say we can

remove the two parts from the phone

because if you just remove the screen

the battery or be too big and if you

just remove the battery well then um

nothing but have to power up the screen

so we remove both parts equally so they

both disappear

100% and then we can save on costs while

it can be less compelling of the phone

for people to buy some more people buy

it somehow if you didn’t like that pitch

um here’s another one that’s equally as

compelling um so I think that people

might be like not they could be hesitant

to like buy a phone because that they

want the home button again and we

removed it

so I think we can hide the home button

underneath the screen like hero and

panel so that to let people like click

on something it wouldn’t feel nice about

like we could just say it’s there and

then they’ll not be sad anymore maybe

that’s not smart

okay um here’s another one we can ship

like the phones in the boxes with tape

on it

to come up the not like the entire not

just cover the whole thing up so people

would be like oh look there’s no not

right so we can trick people into

thinking we don’t have a knot on our

phone and then they’ll buy it because

it’s like something new and definitely

no one else has did that before like

definitely not one mouse or anything

like that you know it’s just we gonna do


I mean maybe they’re not buying it

because our phones are too expensive

damn Apple do you think that’s slight um

yeah check them out what would you think

I can you actually say something well

okay um I think we could just like

remove the phone you know remove the

phone from iPhone so we’re just shipping

the shipping empty box basically without

the premium aluminium materials or like

those innovative displays just the box

and some it for the same price right

it’s pretty smart dude we’ll do you even

have on that sheet that cue card like

what doesn’t even say get handed over

do the five factorial yeah

I can’t read that too technical dude


hey guys sorry that I wasn’t appointing

for a couple of days um I was really

sick I’m feeling much better now so more

videos coming our way but yeah so that’s

why I couldn’t upload videos and I

missed the the PWD see really high

trends like I was 13 but there will be

more videos about that coming up on my

channel soon so don’t miss out subscribe

as always anyway and hope you liked the

skit I made it was meant to be a joke

and then I just got serious spent a

couple of hours and there you go I

really hope you enjoyed it

alright guys this is it so click here to

subscribe to my channel this is my

second channel and these to watch my

hands were covered by is gonna be two

other videos so be sure to check them

out in the meantime right now bye .

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