
How To Change App Shapes In iOS 15! New Home Screen Customization Feature In iOS 15

How To Change App Shapes In iOS 15! New Home Screen Customization Feature In iOS 15

Epic Custom iOS Home Screen Widgets To Take Home Screen To NEXT LVL /iOS 15 Customization Trick( VIDEO ALTERNATIVE)

Top iOS 15 Widgets For Home Screen Customization
iOS 15.3 adds so many cool new features and changes to the home screen by adding cool new ios 15.3 Beta widgets and lets you have an aesthetics ios 15 home screen. iOS 15 lets widgets that are from apple able to be added to the home screen to customize your iphone. ios 15 home screen widgets customization tricks are comming soon in a later video. I will have a video soon on the top ios 15 home screen setups. the video will contain custome app icons ios 15 for the new iphone update, The video will also contain widget

here is the link to the app
Top widgets

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