
Android SafetyNet ByPass | CTS Profile Fix | Magisk Manager | 2021 | Root Only | Any Android

%%% N.B %%%: magisk version 23 update released, which fixes safetynet failure issue.
( Issue April 2021 safetynet fails)Google changed the way attestation works, so Topjohnwu confirmed he needs to update Magisk so that Magisk Hide works again.(Source XDA)

LineageOS, an open-source Android distribution, is available for several devices, a successor of CyanogenMod from Dec 2016 onwards. Releases different versions based on android versions for example Lineageos 14.1, Lineageos 15.1, Lineageos 16.1, Lineageos 17.1 #lineageos18.1 officially released for many devices on April 1, 2021. I am hereby adding a video of Install, setup of safetynet/cts fix using Magisk on my motorola moto x4 running Lineage OS 18.1.

The SafetyNet Attestation API is an anti-abuse API that allows app developers to assess the Android device their app is running on. The API should be used as a part of your abuse detection system to help determine whether your servers are interacting with your genuine app running on a genuine Android device. Android SafetyNet ByPass or CTS Profile Fix is done using Magisk.

Magisk Download :
Lineage OS 18.1 Download : (search with your device name)
GApps :
safetynet playstore :

Lineageos 18.1 Install, Setup and first impressions

#magisksafetynet #ctsprofilefalsefix #safetynetfix #safetynetbypass
#lineageos #andoid11 #safetynetfix #safetynetpass #andoid #magiskinstall #official


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