
iPhone 13 has become the “most value-preserving” mobile phone of all generations!Research: The most cost-effective replacement for Apple-Free News 3C Technology

(Photo/Photo by reporter Huang Zhaoxiang)

Apple’s iPhone has always maintained its value, and there has been strong demand in the second-hand market. Due to the shortage of chips this year, according to the latest report of the second-hand merchant “Sellcell”, the iPhone 13 has become the “most value-preserving” Apple mobile phone in history.

According to statistics of its second-hand market, the iPhone 13 has only depreciated 25.5% of the market price two months after its launch, which is the lowest in the same period in history. Even many models have a trend of rising prices with demand, such as the iPhone 13 Pro part. The price of capacity has increased by about 1.5%.

It can also be found from the depreciation of each model that the iPhone mini series is still the least pleasing, 128GB has been reduced by 32% so far.A few days ago, some analysts pointed out that considering the poor demand for small screens, Apple may cut off the iPhone 14 mini next year and launch another 6.7-inch large screen model.

The depreciation rate of each model of iPhone 13 in the second-hand market after it goes on the market. (Picture/Review of Sellcell)

The depreciation rate of each model of iPhone 12 in the second-hand market after it goes on the market. (Picture/Review of Sellcell)

In comparison, the iPhone 12 depreciated 41% after two months on the market on average, while the iPhone 11 was about 44.6%, which clearly has a huge gap with the iPhone 13.

The reason why the iPhone 13 maintains its value has nothing to do with the quality of the phone itself. According to the analysis of “Sellcell”, the biggest key is the shortage of global chips. Even Apple’s iPhone has reduced production by 20%, while the demand for the original iPhone has not fallen in any way and cannot be satisfied. All buyer demand has caused such a rare situation. It is estimated that the iPhone 14 will resume its normal trend next year.

For consumers who want to plan carefully, “Sellcell” stated that choosing iPhone is definitely a better “investment” than buying other flagship phones. It does not mean that the product is absolutely excellent, but it can have better value preservation in the old trade-in and second-hand market. Rate.

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