
Rocket Lab's WEIRD method of reusable booster just SHOCKED others but SpaceX's the KING of reusable

Rocket Lab’s WEIRD method of reusable booster just SHOCKED others but SpaceX’s the KING of reusable#STARSHIPFANS

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Ryan Hansen Space:

Catch a falling rocket and bring it back to shore …
Rocket Lab, a small company with a small rocket, pulled off the first half of that feat during its latest launch from the east coast of New Zealand.
This took the first step towards reaching the goal of reusable a booster, an achievement that only one company has so far pulled off: Elon Musk’s SpaceX.
So, can Rocket Lab catch up with the leader?
How is their method different from SpaceX?
Let’s find for all in today’s episode of SpaceX Fans:

In 2015, Elon Musk once said: “If one can figure out how to effectively reuse rockets just like airplanes, the cost of access to space will be reduced by as much as a factor of a hundred. A fully reusable vehicle has never been done before. That really is the fundamental breakthrough needed to revolutionize access to space.”

Since then, SpaceX pioneered a new age in reusable rockets and now regularly lands the first stages of its Falcon 9 rockets and flies them over and over.

In fact, NASA’s space shuttles were also partially reusable, but required extensive and expensive work after each flight, and they never lived up to their promise of airliner-like operations.

In 2015, Blue Origin was also the first company to land a reusable rocket on a landing pad. The company said that the future of space tourism and people living on other planets would depend on reusable transport after sending founder Jeff Bezos to space. But now, Jeff hasn’t even had a rocket in orbit yet.

Back to talk about SpaceX reusability, we can see the result clearly!
A Q1 analysis by analytics and engineering firm BryceTech confirmed that SpaceX led in all of the metrics presented.
Now more than a third of the way through 2022, SpaceX remains firmly on track to hit CEO Elon Musk’s target of an average of one Falcon rocket launch per week throughout the year.
The power of SpaceX’s rocket reusable really shook the world!

Once the problem was no longer deemed insurmountable, the allure of reuse – intrinsically multiplying the effectiveness of any given production line if done right – was irresistible. This completely changed Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck, who promised to eat a hat if the firm moved to reusability, made good on that promise by putting a hat into a blender and eating some morsels last year.
Rocket Lab’s WEIRD method of reusable booster just SHOCKED others but SpaceX’s the KING of reusable
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