
New patent shows that Apple is studying how to prevent wireless chargers from interfering with CarKey

Future versions of Apple CarKey can detect its usage near the wireless charger and change its working method to avoid interference. “Wireless Charging Interference Mitigation” is a newly disclosed Apple patent that shows that Apple wants to prevent CarKey owners from discovering that they cannot unlock the car. The remote keyless system allows users to use an electronic key operating at a wireless communication frequency to wirelessly control vehicle door locks and vehicle ignition functions.

Apple stated in the patent that when using the remote keyless system in the presence of other wireless devices, challenges may arise. For example, if you are not careful, the wireless power system operating near the remote keyless system may degrade the remote keyless system. Performance.

This is not specifically to stop any deliberate, evil interference. Apple realized that CarKey or similar products are now also used in many other electronic devices. Some portable electronic devices have a wireless power receiving circuit. During the wireless power transmission operation, the wireless power signal is transmitted from the wireless power transmitter circuit to the wireless power receiving circuit to charge the battery in the electronic device.

During the wireless power transmission operation, the presence of the wireless power signal from the wireless power transmitter circuit may interfere with the reception of the vehicle keyless system beacon by the key. The solution proposed by Apple is to first detect the “interference risk” and then take measures to avoid interference. The idea is that in the best case, the user does not even need to know that there is a potential problem, and in the worst case, they will be prompted to adjust the settings.

The problem of “interference risk detection” is a complicated one. It needs to detect “vehicle remote keyless system beacons” and key codes transmitted in response to these beacons. Another question is where the car is, whether it is moving, etc. It also involves corresponding interference mitigation operations to ensure that the vehicle’s remote keyless system can be used.

Interference mitigation operations include prompting users to disable wireless power transmission operations or automatically suppress wireless power transmission operations, including adjusting the waveform of the transmitted wireless power signal, adjusting the frequency of transmitting the wireless power signal, and other operations. These steps will allow the key to receive the transmitted beacon, while possibly allowing the wireless power operation to proceed.

This is the key to the 11,000 word patent application, specifying the circumstances under which different solutions are needed. There are more examples than details in this patent, because Apple probably wants this patent application to cover the widest possible range of possible car key systems.

Apple is a chartered member of the Car Connectivity Alliance and is working to create an interoperable digital key standard.

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