
2021 app consumption, up about 20% year-on-year-TikTok is the top earner in non-games

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Research firm Sensor Tower has released statistics on the 2021 app market.
Spending on apps in 2021 increased by about 20% from 2020, and the top earner of non-game apps was TikTok.

App spending increased 19.7% year-on-year

According to Sensor Tower, spending on apps in 2021 was $ 81.5 billion on the App Store and $ 47.9 billion on Google Play.
2021 app spending

This is an increase of 17.7% / 23.5% year-on-year, and a total increase of 19.7%.
App Store sales are about 1.8 times higher than Google Play, and there is still a big difference.

TikTok is the top seller of non-game apps

Looking at individual apps, the most profitable non-gaming app was TikTok.
Sales ranking of non-game apps

The popularity of TikTok is rising, recording a 67% increase in revenue from $ 1.2 billion in 2020 to $ 2 billion in 2021.

Google Play has a higher percentage of revenue from game apps

On the other hand, game apps also recorded high growth of 12.6% year-on-year.
2021 game app sales

Interestingly, game app revenue in the App Store accounted for 61.5% of the total, compared to 78% on Google Play.
The most profitable game app was PUBG Mobile.

Source: Sensor Tower via AppleInsider

Source: iPhone Mania

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