
The Japanese government calls on athletes to remove the Beijing Olympics app immediately after returning to Japan

20220203 Chief Cabinet Secretary Press Conference

Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno announced at a regular press conference on the afternoon of February 3 that he was calling on athletes to remove the official app of the Beijing Olympics immediately after returning to Japan.

Call for removal of official apps

At the Beijing Olympics, which began on February 4, athletes are required to report their physical condition through the official app. Meanwhile, overseas analysts have announced that the app contains vulnerabilities that can lead to personal information leaks, as well as censorship to report political content.
In addition, the Olympic Commission of the United States and other countries advises athletes not to bring their personal smartphones to China because of security concerns.
According to Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno, the Japan Sports Agency has informed the athletes of the following points through the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) on February 2.

  • Minimize the use of the app and delete it immediately after returning to Japan.
  • Use the official app on your personal smartphone and another device as much as possible

He also commented that the relevant ministries and agencies will consider additional countermeasures and that the government will take appropriate measures for information security.
Source: Prime Minister’s Office (Video)

Source: iPhone Mania

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