
iOS 16’s iCloud Shared Gallery feature may be delayed

Apple has now officially launched the iPhone 14 series of models, including the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Meanwhile, Apple announced that iOS 16 will be available as a free software update starting September 13.

iOS 16's iCloud Shared Gallery feature may be delayed

At the same time, Apple also said that “iCloud Shared Gallery will be available in a future software update.” This also means that the iCloud shared library feature may not be available in the first official version of iOS 16.

iCloud Shared Library offers family users a new way to seamlessly share photos, with a single iCloud Library set up for up to 6 users to collaborate, store and view together.

Users can choose to share photos already in their personal library, or set a specific start date or people in the photo to share. Users can also use a new toggle button in the camera app to choose to automatically send the captured photos to the shared library.

iOS 16's iCloud Shared Gallery feature may be delayed

In addition, users will also receive smart suggestions to share photos with shared users in the shared gallery to the shared gallery. All shared users have permission to add, delete, edit, and favorite photos and videos shared in the shared gallery, which will appear in each shared user’s Memories and Featured Photos.

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