
iOS 16 keyboard touch function can improve typing feel, but be aware that it may affect battery life

iOS 16 introduces a new keyboard haptic feature for the default keyboard. When enabled, the iPhone vibrates slightly every time a key is tapped while typing, providing physical confirmation of the key being pressed and improving typing feel. This feature has a certain practicality, but it should be noted that Apple officially suggested that it may affect the battery life of the device.

iOS 16 keyboard touch function can improve typing feel, but be aware that it may affect battery life

Apple said in a support document released last week that “opening the keyboard tactile may affect iPhone battery life.” Apple didn’t provide additional details, so it’s unclear exactly how much power the feature will consume. It’s worth mentioning that Low Power Mode doesn’t disable keyboard haptics, so the only option for users concerned about battery life is to turn the feature off.

iOS 16 keyboard touch function can improve typing feel, but be aware that it may affect battery life

Any software feature on the iPhone will obviously increase power consumption, but Apple specifically mentions this keyboard tactile feature, which may mean that its impact on battery life may be greater.

To enable Keyboard Haptics, open the Settings app, go to Sounds & Haptics > Keyboard Feedback, and turn on Haptics. Available on iPhone 8 and later running iOS 16 or later, this feature uses the Taptic Engine linear motor inside the iPhone.

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