
Apple slashes orders for iPhone 14 Plus screen components

Market demand for the iPhone 14 Plus was so significantly lower than expected that Apple had previously slashed orders for its related components. According to the latest news from Ross Young, CEO of DSCC, a screen supply chain consulting company, iPhone 14 Plus screen component shipments have almost dropped to zero.

Apple slashes orders for iPhone 14 Plus screen components

From the chart shared by Young, we know that the mix of screen orders for all iPhone 14 models in November 2022 is quite reasonable, but the screen orders for the iPhone 14 Plus in December last year and January this year were close to zero.

Apple slashes orders for iPhone 14 Plus screen components

The chart shows that a small number of iPhone 14 Plus screens will be shipped in February, indicating that Apple will replenish iPhone 14 Plus inventory this month. The chart also shows that the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max accounted for 75% of December shipments and are expected to reach 80% by the end of February.

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