
Scaramouche/Wanderer Artifacts Comparison | Genshin Impact

#Genshin #Impact #Wanderer #Scaramouche #GenshinImpact #Echoes of an #Offering #Retracing #Bolide #Desert #Pavilion #Chronicle #Shimenawa’s #Reminiscence #Viridescent

0:00 Normal Attack
3:27 Charged Attack
3:49 Elemental Burst
4:19 Normal Attack (ATK buff)
4:45 Charged Attack (ATK buff)
5:06 Elemental Burst (ATK buff)
5:35 2 Echoes + 2 Desert
5:56 2 Desert + 2 Viridescent
6:16 Shimenawa’s Reminiscence
6:35 Retracing Bolide
6:55 Desert Pavilion
7:17 Echoes of an Offering
7:39 Food used, ATK buff

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