Welcome to iPhonewired! Learn how to contact us if you want to send a tip, advertise on our website or want to report website issues.

General Contact Information

You can contact us at info@iphonewired.com for general matters.

Send Us a Tip

We love to get tips, so feel free to send an email to info@iphonewired.com.

*We will never disclose information about our source and will fight any attempts to reveal our sources to the limits of the law. It is important that you remove any traceable information before submitting the information. We will also double check and remove any traceable information. However, we are not responsible if our source gets into trouble for publishing information that has been provided to us.


We offer display ads, Sponsored Posts, and Daily Newsletter Sponsorships. Check our advertising page if you want to more details about advertising on iPhoneHacks.com or feel free to contact us at advertising@iphonewired.com if you’re looking for a customized solution to reach our readers.


In addition to email sharing, you can also publish guest articles and paid articles on our website through a third-party platform. This platform supports various payment methods.

Report website issues:

If you’ve noticed a problem, please send an email to webmaster@iphonewired.com to report the problem. A big thank you in advance, we really appreciate it.