
Is Apple’s ARM-based MacBook fanless too quiet?Quickly use FanFan to simulate fan acceleration sound

Apple adopted a fanless design for the first ARM-based M1 MacBook Air, which caused many loyal Apple users to feel very painful not to hear the fan sound. If you have these problems, you can use FanFan to simulate the MacBook fan sound to improve it.

Is Apple's ARM-based MacBook fanless too quiet?Quickly use FanFan to simulate fan acceleration sound

In the past, MacBooks used Intel processors. When processing complex calculations, when the pen motor body was hot, it was particularly easy to cause the fan to be particularly loud. I also taught you how to use smcFanControl to adjust the Mac fan speed.

However, after replacing it with an M1 MacBook Air laptop, these familiar fan sounds may no longer be heard. For this reason, the developer of Guilherme Rambo launched the FanFan tool, which can make Apple Silicon Mac computers and simulate Intel fan operation. sound.

The developer claims that FanFan will automatically adjust the simulated fan sound according to the system load and operating conditions when simulating the processor fan sound. According to the actual measurement of many users, it is true that this tool will return the MacBook to the fan sound state again.

Is Apple's ARM-based MacBook fanless too quiet?Quickly use FanFan to simulate fan acceleration sound

M1’s MacBook Air does not need to rely on fans. In addition to reducing noise, it can also improve the user experience. However, in fact, many users have tested the high processor load of the MacBook Air. As long as the AI ​​model or development is running, the MacBook Air temperature is too high. High is prone to frequency reduction, and it is found that when the M1 processor does not have a fan, the heat will always accumulate inside the fuselage and cannot be quickly dissipated.

Simply put, the heat dissipation of the M1 MacBook Air has not been improved at all. If you want to avoid overheating and frequency reduction, you need to disassemble the machine yourself, and stick the thermal pad on the CPU cover, so that the entire MacBook bottom cover can become the heat sink of the computer. The disadvantage is that the MacBook will be hot when placed on the lap, but the relative advantage is that it improves the heat dissipation capacity.

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