Preview of iPhone 12 | iPad Air 4 | iPad Gen 8 | iPad Mini 6 | iPad Pro 12.9 Gen5 in late 2020, is it coming?!

#iPadAir4 #iPadMini6 #iPadGen8 Fresh from an AppleSheep insider, when combined with Jon Prosser’s recent leaks and our experience. So it’s the source of this news update of iPhone 12 and iPad 2020, various models for everyone. How accurate is AppleSheep’s parents? September and October, you can know for sure. Follow AppleSheep FB: (AppleSheep iPad Community)

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intro : 0:29
iPhone 12 : 1:00
iPhone 12 Pro : 2:00
iPad : 3:36
iPad Air : 4:00
iPad Mini 6 : 5:27
iPad Pro 12.9 Gen 5 6:32
Apple Event 2020 : 7:50
Apple Watch 6 : 9:37
Macbook with Apple Silicone : 10:51 .

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