Apple AirPods Max – SHUT UP and take my money

Apple have done it again. They’ve created a product that is not the best product on the market for the money (not by a long shot), and yet many people will buy them anyway, but why?

Apple’s business model is so clever. They have such a powerful brand that appeals to people’s genitals as Scott Galloway would say. People are buying them more as a status symbol, a sign to the opposite sex that you are successful and it would be a wise decision to mate with you.

I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Many people will buy these headphones and be happy with them which is great.

But do not buy them if you are looking for the best product on the market for the price. Get the Sony XM4s instead.

If you run a business though, watch what Apple are doing because here is a powerful lesson that if you can apply to your own company, could help you massively grow you business.

Create an emotional relationship with your customers and build a powerful set of products that work seamlessly together.

That’s just my take, what do you think?

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