[LOL Mobile Games]Less than half an hour to reach the top of the iOS free list, what does it mean behind the popularity of League of Legends mobile games?

At the same time as the 2021 League of Legends Global Finals is in full swing, the “League of Legends Mobile Games” national server officially opened the non-deleted test at 10:00 on October 8th, and quickly topped the list of major app stores. Social media-among them, it took less than half an hour for “League of Legends Mobile Games” to reach the top of the iOS free list. In terms of the IP influence of the League of Legends, it is not difficult to reach the top. From the players’ feedback, whether it is the quality of the game or the rich welfare activities, it reflects the full sincerity of the official. More than a dozen skins and dozens of heroes with super generous rewards have also wiped out the previous “postponement” storm. Many players even ridiculed themselves, “This game is actually not postponed, it’s all because I remembered it wrong.” You can give more rewards.” #英雄联盟手游#LOL #英雄联盟.

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