Step by step Installation and Configuration of Fedora 64-bit ARM on VMWare Fusion for Mac M1.

In this video, I will show you the step by step installation and configuration of Fedora 64-bit ARM on VMWare Fusion for Mac M1.

Note that there were issues installing Fedora so pay attention to the selected options, also take note that updating Fedora caused the upgrade to hang so upgrade will not be shown in this video.

1, Download Fedora-Workstation-Live-aarch64-35-1.2.iso

2. Create a Virtual Machine
a. Name – Fedora 64-bit Arm
b. Processors – 4, Memory – 4 GB
c. Hard drive – 20 GB, SATA

3. Install Fedora on VMWare Fusion for Mac M1
a. From the Installation Screen, Select Troubleshooting

Note: Selecting the first 2 options caused the installation to hang

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