
Apple vs Tesla War | Tesla Smartphone | Elon Musk | Tim Cook | Twitter issue | Tamil | Explained

Elon Musk, one of the world’s number one richest people, bought Twitter, a social networking site used by the common man and the rich, for several hundred million rupees at the end of last October.

Twitter CEO and owner Elon Musk is going head-to-head with Apple, the world’s largest smartphone maker and seller. Elon Musk has been criticizing not only Apple’s excessive dominance and strict restrictions on its app store, but also Apple’s move on Twitter.
In this case, Elon Musk is currently in a conflict with Apple, a technology company based in America. A Few Years ago, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said Apple refused to buy his company for $60 million, now valued at $600 million.

Last year 2017, Tesla was developing an electric car named Model 3. Tesla spent a lot of money on this. The factory was also in trouble for about six months as the company’s funds quickly ran out.
It was in this situation that Elon Musk said on his Twitter that he thought about selling Tesla to Apple. “During the tough days of the Model 3 project, I reached out to Tim Cook to discuss the possibility of Apple buying Tesla, but he refused to talk to me,” he said.

Around the same time, Apple was actively developing self-driving cars to compete with Tesla. Also, Apple has hired several former Tesla executives in recent years. Apple has also bought a number of small self-driving car companies to compete with Tesla. This suggests that Apple will soon re-enter the electric vehicle market.
George Hotz was the first person in the world to hack an iPhone. He hacked Apple’s iPhone and silenced them by saying that no one can hack our phones. Elon musk invited Hots to join Tesla.

But Now,
Apple stopped spending on Twitter ads and will soon remove Twitter from its app store. He blamed certain social groups for this. He said that the members of these social groups force the advertisers and that is why none of them advertise.

Many leading companies such as General Mills, Audi and General Motors have temporarily stopped advertising on Twitter since Elon Musk bought Twitter. Now Apple has also joined it. Apple has spent $220,800 on advertising between October 16 and 22, but has now spent only about $131,600 between November 10 and November 16.

Elon Musk, who is already at loggerheads with Apple, has said that Apple is threatening to remove Twitter from its APP STORE app, but refuses to say why. Musk tweeted questioning whether Apple hates freedom of speech in America. And Musk tagged Apple CEO Tim Cook in subsequent tweets. Elon Musk directly questioned Apple about “why Apple hates freedom of expression in America.” and also tagged Apple CEO Tim Cook in the tweet thread.

Elon Musk threatened Apple and Google. If they remove Twitter from their platform, he will definitely create an alternative smartphone without any other option. This is seen as a public warning to Apple and Google. He is saying that Twitter will give voice to freedom of speech and that everyone has the right to express their opinion. Former US President Donald Trump, who was recently banned from Twitter, added them back to Twitter. Many say that if Twitter continues to allow people to speak out like this, people’s peace will be compromised. Many are also calling for a ban on Twitter.

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