iOS 14.4.1 / 14.4 JAILBREAK With Cydia & Tweaks For Pre-A12 Devices (CheckRa1n Jailbreak Tutorial)

In today’s video, I am going to show you step by step, how to jailbreak iOS 14.4.1 and iOS 14.4 on pre-A12 devices (iPhone X and lower) using CheckRa1n Jailbreak. The CheckRa1n jailbreak supports iOS 14.4.1 which was released by Apple over a week ago, and you can get Cydia and Tweaks working. Do keep in mind that CheckRa1n does not work on iOS 14.5 Beta as of yet. It needs to be updated.

For those of you who are new to the channel or to jailbreaking iOS in general, I will detail in this video how to use #CheckRa1n, what are the limitations, and even how to unjailbreak (uninstall the checkra1n jailbreak) if you need to. This video is beginner-friendly. Veteran iOS jailbreakers likely already know these steps well.

CheckRa1n jailbreak is using a BootROM vulnerability that cannot be patched by Apple, hence why you can jailbreak the latest signed iOS versions. This comes with a caveat though, you cannot use checkRa1n on iPhone XS, XR, iPhone 11, or iPhone 12. For those, you need either Unc0ver Jailbreak or Odyssey.

As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials!
~ GeoSn0w

▽ Resources ▽
▶ Our Jailbreak Central Forum:
▶ CheckRa1n Jailbreak:
▶ iOS 14.4 RC / iOS 14.3 / 14.0 How To JAILBREAK With Cydia & Functional Tweaks! (CheckRa1n, Pre-A12):
▶ How To JAILBREAK iOS 14.2 / 14.1 / 14.0.1 / 14.0 On Select Devices With CheckRa1n (Cydia Included):
▶ iOS 13.5 / 13.4.1 / 13.4 Unc0ver JAILBREAK RELEASED! How To Jailbreak iOS 13.5 & Lower (All devices):
▶ How to install Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 13.5 using AltStore:

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▽ Credits ▽
▶ Wallpaper is from
▶ CheckRa1n icon by CheckRa1n Team.

▽ Disclaimers ▽
▶ This channel and this video are not endorsed in any way by Apple Inc. iPhone and iOS are trademarks of Apple Inc. Jailbreaking is legal under DMCA exemption 2012 and 2015. .

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