
Mobile Phone Number Locations

Know city & state of phone numbers, arrange address book contacts by location.

* Phone 2 Location enables you to know location (city & state) of mobile address book contacts or any phone number.

* Browse your mobile phone book contacts arranged by locations (at Country/State/City level).

* It will also show telecom operator of the mobile or landline phone number.
Note: Mobile Number Portability (MNP) not supported

* Following countries are supported: USA, Canada, India, United Kingdom (UK), China

Note: This application will not show the actual physical location/GPS location of the caller. All location information is grouped and shown at state/city level only based on area code.

Use Case:
1.Trace location(city or state) of any mobile and landline phone numbers including unknown numbers.
2.Browse your mobile phonebook contacts sorted by city or state.

It’s an ad supported free application.

By MobiSparks Infotech Private Limited

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