
SpaceX’s Starlink: Internet Everywhere!

SpaceX’s Starlink: Internet Everywhere!

What exactly is SpaceX’s Starlink, and what does it do? Okay, to begin with, SpaceX is a privately-owned transport service company that has developed a reusable rocket and launch system in a bid to reduce the cost of space flight massively. It was created in 2002 and is privately funded by its owner and founder, tech mogul Elon Musk. It is also known as Space Exploration Technologies and has a goal of building affordable spacecraft that would probably reach and colonize mars one day. Now, if you know Elon Musk, you’ll understand that he has ambition and dreams that are sometimes considered wild. One of the billionaire’s initiatives, which is probably the most fantastic, is going to Mars.

Starlink, on the other hand, was announced in January 2015 by CEO Elon Musk. It was purposefully designed to offer internet access anywhere and everywhere in the world. Think of like oxygen for your phone! Internet anywhere, at any time, on the planet! It is a satellite constellation still under construction visualized as a broadband internet for scientific, military, and exploratory purposes.

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