
AMD ZEN 3: which CPU is WORTH your MONEY?


AMD unveiled in their 8th of October Event the 5950X, 5900X, 5800X and 5600X implementing the new ZEN 3 CPU architecture.
How does this disrupt the CPU buyers panorama? Is the 3000 series still viable? Is Intel completely out of the picture?
In this video we are gonna discuss all of this and make preliminary estimates on what will be the best CPU to buy in late 2020 and possibly throughout the 2021 up until the eventual ZEN 4 release.

This time around AMD positions itself as the premium brand and in this philosophy raises the prices of the 5000 series over the 3000 and also removes the stock coolers.
We are gonna discuss the reasonable explanations of this and whether there’s hope for the prices to go down eventually.

This is Fact Check. Never make a suboptimal purchase again.

Errata corrige:
The calculation for the operation cost difference between the 10700K and the 3700X is
0.5 * 164W * 4h * 365 * 5 * 0.12$/KWh ≈ 72$

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