
Ethereum mining over Thunderbolt 3 on external GPU RTX 3090 with Windows 10

Ethereum mining over Thunderbolt 3 on RTX 3090 with Windows 10

00:05 Hardware the same as for Linux (part 1)
00:30 Install TB3 driver and launch with default BIOS settings and no device detection
01:18 Change BIOS settings to the same as for Linux (part 1) and fall into the error code 12
02:37 TB 3 BIOS settings worked for Windows 10
03:33 Thunderbolt device manager with user auth mode
04:29 AORUS RTX 3090 BOX full detection device list in Windows device manager
05:02 Check device communication
05:24 Ethereum mining via T-Rex miner on Windows 10 over thunderbolt 3

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