
One of the reasons why Apple hates product disclosures is that it is worried that wrong information will cause peripheral manufacturers to produce incompatible accessories.

Although the current Internet breaking news culture makes many new products without too many secrets before they go on the market, even if the seemingly realistic breaking news is still mixed with false information, of course the breaking news culture is also a double-edged sword for brand owners, moderately. The revelations can help the product warm up, but too much revelation will cause consumers to lose interest in the press conference. However, Apple does not like revelations. There is another reason: it may mislead the accessory manufacturer to produce the wrong peripheral; according to the Motherboard website, obtain Apple’s release The warning letter to the whistleblower revealed that Apple alleged that his whistleblower might cause accessory manufacturers to produce mobile phone cases with the wrong specifications.

▲Apple believes that exposing the specifications of the stolen prototype may mislead the accessory manufacturer to produce the wrong size accessory

The Chinese whistleblower who received the warning letter published the specifications and photos of the stolen iPhone prototype on the community. According to the warning letter, the prototype specification might mislead the manufacturer’s production and the official version specifications due to the warning letter. Inconsistent accessories, after all, the prototype is not the final version, and the details may be fine-tuned. If the accessories are designed according to the size of the news, it may lead to a situation of three losers for Apple, consumers and accessory vendors. Of course, the letter also reiterated that Apple will do its best to prevent this. Breaking the news makes the new product launch event surprise consumers.

The situation of stealing iPhone prototypes from factories and reselling them seems to have been in China for many years. In addition to some professional whistleblowers who want to take the opportunity to stir up the community atmosphere, some accessory vendors also hope to obtain the specifications of the new phone first. Introducing accessories, but the worse situation is that Apple’s competitors will take the lead in “reference” and launch “tribute works” that can compete with Apple before and after the release of new products.

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