
Apple prevents Mac users from loading iOS and iPadOS apps with M1 chip


Apple prevents users from loading iOS apps on the M1 MacApple prevents users from loading iOS apps on the M1 Mac

Sina Digital News reported on the morning of January 17 that Apple has shut down the function of side-loading iOS applications on the M1 chip Mac. This means that M1 chip Mac users can only install iOS and iPadOS applications from the App Store.

Apple’s latest M1 chip Mac, you can install and run iOS and iPadOS applications through the App Store, but some apps have not landed in the Mac version of the App Store. The developers of these applications have not approved their products to run on the M1 chip Mac.

However, some users have found a way to manually install iOS applications on the M1 chip: use a valid Apple ID to download the .IPA file, and then load it through a special tool.

Now, Apple blocked this behavior from the server side. Nowadays, users can only install iOS or iPadOS apps from the Mac App Store. Once they run unsupported iOS or iPadOS apps on macOS 11.1, they will receive a message stating that we cannot install them.

On the latest macOS 11.2 Beta system, Apple’s prompt is more specific: “The application cannot be installed because the developer does not plan to run it on this platform.”

If you have loaded the App from the iPhone or iPad to the M1 Mac, it can still run normally. This change only affects new app installations. In addition, if you have downloaded the .IPA file before, you can still install it.

It is not unusual for Apple to prevent unauthorized application installations. However, Mac users seem to have become accustomed to installing applications and have more freedom than iOS and iPadOS. But obviously, Apple wants to further control how Mac apps are installed.

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