
AltStore PAL third-party iOS software market is launched in the EU with an annual fee of 1.5 euros

AltStore PAL allows users to add their own “sources” and download apps that are not officially approved by Apple. It supports iOS 17.4 and above, but requires an annual fee of 1.5 euros.

Recently, MacPaw announced that it will launch a third-party software market service named Setapp Mobile for iPhone models in the EU in compliance with EU digital market laws. In the past, it has boasted that it can download more non-Apple-approved apps without jailbreaking. AltStore was announced earlier in the EU and is called AltStore PAL.

AltStore PAL was launched by Riley Testut, an independent developer who has built the AltStore software market in the past. It is currently operated as an open source, and the App content included in it is hosted by the developer itself. If the App is approved by Apple, it can be delivered through alternative delivery Sending in packet form. If it is to be sent through AltStore PAL, an additional “source” must be provided for users to add in AltStore PAL, and decentralized downloading must be implemented.

As for AltStore PAL itself, it is designed to be similar to web page delivery, and can download apps from different channels by adding multiple “sources”. As long as it is eligible to be upgraded to the iOS 17.4 operating system version or above, and it is a user in the EU, it can Use AltStore PAL service.

In order to pay for the core technology fees required by Apple to exceed a certain number of downloads, AltStore PAL will charge users 1.5 euros per year.

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