
MagSafe Duo may be available soon

Although the MagSafe charger announced by Apple at the iPhone 12 event will be on sale at the same time as the mobile phone, there is no news about the release date of the MagSafe Duo charger.

The device is listed in Korean regulatory documents. The charger shows that it has passed the compliance test, which is a necessary condition for the product to be marketed in the country.

This does not mean that it will be available soon, it is just a necessary step, but Apple products usually receive compliance certification shortly before release.

MagSafe Duo may be available soon

The MagSafe Duo charger is still a long way from the AirPower charger that Apple announced in 2017, and was eventually forced to take an awkward step, admitting that the company could not make it work. AirPower could have allowed iPhone, Apple Watch and AirPods shells to be placed anywhere on the surface. In contrast, Duo has set a fixed location for the iPhone and Watch, and there is no room for AirPods.

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