
Beware of SMS that Rakuten Mobile has won a lottery or sweepstakes that you don’t know about

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Rakuten Mobile is alerting you to fraudulent emails that you have won lottery tickets or sweepstakes that you do not remember applying for.

Rakuten Mobile “You won’t win a lottery ticket you haven’t applied for”

According to Rakuten Mobile, recently, I received an email or SMS saying that I won a lottery ticket or a sweepstakes that I did not remember applying for, and there were many consultations at consumer life center counters nationwide that I was charged a remittance fee and a fee to receive cash. It is said that it has been sent.
URLs are included in all published emails, and clicking on the URL seems to prompt you to write personal information, etc. required to receive cash.
Beware of SMS that you won a lottery or sweepstakes that you don't know -1
Beware of SMS that you won a lottery or sweepstakes that you don't know about-2

Rakuten Mobile says, “You won’t win a lottery ticket that you haven’t applied for.” We don’t reply to such messages and warn you not to click or get involved in the links provided.
Source: Rakuten Mobile, National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan

Source: iPhone Mania

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