
TrendForce predicts: iPhone 13 series will be equipped with a larger battery, pricing is similar to the previous generation

Apple is expected to launch the new iPhone 13 series next month. TrendForce has recently made predictions on the parameters of these devices.

TrendForce predicts: iPhone 13 series will be equipped with a larger battery, pricing is similar to the previous generation

TrendForce stated that its latest survey shows that some significant hardware upgrades for the iPhone 13 model will include a faster and more energy-efficient 5nm+ chip, which may be named A15 Bionic, and supports millimeter wave 5G in other regions outside the United States, and Space-saving internal circuitry may allow larger batteries to be used inside the device. All these features have been rumored before.

As for pricing, TrendForce believes that the pricing of the iPhone 13 series will be similar to that of the iPhone 12 series, assuming that Apple can effectively control manufacturing costs because of the lack of many major hardware upgrades.

The iPhone 12 series was released in October last year. TrendForce said that Apple will resume the September release of the iPhone 13 series this year.

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