
420,000 apps have been removed from the Apple App Store: Does not comply with the Transparency of Application Tracking (ATT) regulations

According to data from the application market research company Appfigures, there were 2 million apps on the Apple App Store in April this year. In July this number dropped by about 420,000 to 1.6 million. The reason is that these apps have not been updated and do not meet Apple’s requirements. Application Tracking Transparency (ATT) regulations.

Appfigures CEO Ariel Michaeli said, “Normally, the number of apps in the App Store grows by 1%-2% per month. In June, about one month after ATT was released, the number of apps in the App Store The number of games has been reduced by 420,000, accounting for 21% of the total number of applications.”

According to ATT, applications need to obtain user approval before tracking users, and application developers must update them. Michaeli said, “It is clear that hundreds of thousands of application developers have not taken ATT seriously, or are lazy to update their applications and games.”

The removal of hundreds of thousands of apps shows that Apple is serious about protecting user privacy, and it also reflects the current status of app development, management and operation.

The reality is “face-slapped”: most of the apps that have been removed have hardly received any attention and have no downloads. They are basically abandoned applications: they can’t bring profit to developers, they just “wait to die” in the App Store. Some applications are developed by amateur developers. In other words, applications that have a large number of users are basically not removed.

420,000 apps have been removed from the Apple App Store: Does not comply with the Transparency of Application Tracking (ATT) regulations

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