
Apple TV + in 2020 handed over amazing answers: 42 new series launched

In 2020, Apple TV+ handed over a very amazing answer sheet. With excellent series such as “All Mankind” and “Tehran”, it has attracted a large number of fans, and the discussion of related topics on social media continues to be hot. In the past 2020, Apple TV+ launched 42 new shows, including 5 comedies, 5 documentaries, 4 feature films, 12 non-fiction series, 11 family shows, and 5 stage plays.

In addition, new content that debuted on Apple TV+ includes Mariah Carey’s Christmas special, Bruce Springsteen’s documentary “Letter to You”, World War II movie “Greyhound” starring Tom Hanks, and director Sofia COPPOla starring Bill Murrayd The new film “On The Rocks”.

Apple TV + in 2020 hand in stunning answer sheet: a total of 42 new dramas launched

Apple TV + in 2020 handed over amazing answers: 42 new series launched

And in the upcoming 2021, Apple TV+ will also introduce richer content. The tweet wrote: “2021 looks great for Apple TV+. Many episodes have returned to production. This year’s opening is the second season of “Dickinson”. The new “Losing Alice” will be on January 22 Released, this year’s first movie “Palmer” will be released on January 29.

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