
Apple updates App Store review guidelines to improve app tracking transparency

Apple today released a new App Store guidelines update for developers, adjusted many existing guidelines, and added a new rule related to App tracking transparency requirements in iOS 14.5.

Apple updates App Store review guidelines to improve app tracking transparency▲Apply tracking transparency tips

The new rule 5.1.2(i) related to app tracking transparency requires developers to obtain explicit permission before tracking user activities. This is what Apple has been planning to implement since the release of iOS 14. Apple said last week that its app tracking rules will be enforced from the next iOS update, which is iOS 14.5.

5.1.2(i): Added: “You must obtain explicit permission from users through the application tracking transparency API to track their activities. Learn more about tracking.”

In line with new rules surrounding app tracking transparency, Apple today highlighted SKAdNetwork 2.2 and Private Click Measurement APIs, which can be used by developers as an alternative to more intrusive user tracking methods.

SKAdNetwork 2.2 allows developers to display and measure advertising effects while protecting user privacy, while Private Click Measurement is a feature of iOS 14.5 that allows advertising networks to measure the effects of advertising clicks on iOS in-app navigation to websites, but it uses privacy The way.

App tracking transparency will be implemented when the official version of iOS 14.5 is released, and Apple said it expects the update to be launched in early spring.

Apple’s App Store guidelines update also clarifies several existing rules, and includes some minor wording changes and adjustments. Apple’s developer website has a complete list of changes.

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