
Data agency: Apple maintains the number one mobile phone sales and revenue in China for six consecutive weeks

According to the latest China smartphone weekly data report by data agency Counterpoint Research, Apple has maintained its position as the No. 1 brand in smartphone sales and revenue in China for six consecutive weeks.

According to Counterpoint Research, Apple is the largest smartphone maker in China based on iPhone sales in October 2021. Now their latest data says that after the release, Apple lost the number one spot to vivo at one point, and then regained the lead in early December.

Data agency: Apple maintains the number one mobile phone sales and revenue in China for six consecutive weeks

“Apple was in the lead for most of the period after launch, giving way to Chinese rival vivo for a while,” the research firm said. “Then the new iPhone 13 took it back.”

Counterpoint Research believes that the relatively low starting price of the iPhone 13 when it was released in China helped drive sales, as did camera enhancements and 5G capabilities. Of course, the reasons also include the fact that Huawei, Apple’s main competitor in the high-end market, is facing a decline in sales due to unfair treatment in the United States.

Data agency: Apple maintains the number one mobile phone sales and revenue in China for six consecutive weeks

Breaking down the four products, the iPhone 13 model accounted for 51% of the overall iPhone sales, the iPhone 13 Pro Max accounted for 23%, and the iPhone 13 Pro accounted for 21%. The iPhone 13 mini accounted for 5%.

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