
After adding ads to the Apple App Store China, Apple Ads now supports custom product pages

Apple told developers that with the custom product page feature, developers can create up to 35 additional App Store product page versions to showcase different features, content or promotions of the app.

After adding ads to the Apple App Store China, Apple Ads now supports custom product pages

Apple notes that custom product pages are now more seamlessly integrated with Apple Ads, helping developers tailor versions of ads on the App Store for different audiences.

In July 2021, Apple App Store China will add advertisements to the app search result pages. When users search for apps with certain keywords, they can see app ads at the top of the search results page. Compared to regular apps, app ads have a light blue background and have an “Ad” logo in front of the star rating.

ASA (Apple Search Ads, Apple Search Ads) is a search advertising service launched by Apple in 2016, allowing developers to pay Apple to advertise within the App Store, giving the app the opportunity to display at the top of search results and other positions, thereby attracting precise users. download.

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