
Sources say Apple is advancing ‘Project Irvine’: an evolutionary version of front-end scheduling

At Apple’s WWDC 2022 conference on June 7, Apple released iPadOS 16 and demonstrated its updated Stage Manager feature for the M1 iPad. Today, it is reported that Apple will launch an evolutionary version of pre-stage scheduling to improve users’ multitasking experience on the iPad.

Sources say Apple is advancing 'Project Irvine': an evolutionary version of front-end scheduling

According to wccftech’s report today, Twitter user Majin Bu tweeted today that there is news that Apple is advancing “Project Irvine,” an evolutionary version of pre-stage scheduling that will be launched in next year’s iPadOS 17. According to reports, “Project Irvine” may remove the restrictions on iPad hardware for pre-stage scheduling, allowing all iPads to experience new multitasking management.

Sources say Apple is advancing 'Project Irvine': an evolutionary version of front-end scheduling

MacStories founder and editor-in-chief Federico Viticci, a prominent member of the Apple community, outlined his disappointment with the iPad front-of-house schedule in a Twitter thread mid-month. Viticci said the design decisions built into the front-end scheduling were “fundamentally wrong,” arguing that the feature was unstable, difficult to use, and had user interface glitches in the experience, among other things.

“If front-of-house scheduling is the future of iPadOS for pro users, I hope Apple understands that it can’t be rushed,” Viticci said. “We’ve been waiting a few years for this, but it’s best to launch in spring 2023.” At the same time, he suggested that Apple delay the launch of the pre-schedule and reconsider its approach. If Apple does launch “Project Irvine”, it may improve the user’s multitasking experience.

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