
YouTube mobile site launches “paid” iOS 14 picture-in-picture feature, not available to non-advanced users

Apple added a picture-in-picture feature to the iPhone in iOS 14. This feature is designed to allow you to watch videos on a small screen on your device, while you can continue to do other things on your phone.

YouTube mobile site launches

The YouTube application currently does not support iOS 14 and “Picture-in-Picture”. A workaround has previously appeared to allow videos on the web page to be viewed in the “Picture-in-Picture” mode of the Safari browser.

Starting today, this workaround has disappeared. When users tried to use “Picture-in-Picture” on videos on the YouTube mobile site, it simply couldn’t be achieved. After clicking the “Picture in Picture” button in full screen mode, the video will pop up for one second, but it will immediately bounce back to the website, so it cannot be used as a picture in picture window.

On the iPad, picture-in-picture can be used with YouTube videos embedded on third-party websites seem to be playable in picture-in-picture mode, but picture-in-picture is not available on the YouTube website.

Later, foreign media finally discovered that for those YouTube premium subscribers, iOS 14 picture-in-picture seems to work on Safari’s mobile YouTube website, which shows that the restriction is intentional and not an error.

YouTube mobile site launches

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