
5 Things Genshin Impact Does Better Than Honkai: Star Rail

As promised! The follow-up episode to 5 things Honkai: Star Rail does better than Genshin Impact is here! Today we’ll be discussing 5 things Genshin does better than Star Rail.

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  1. This video aged poorly, unlike genshins crappy 1 week to 2 week events that never return
    Star rail has almost every event permanently added to the game you can finish at your leisure, from dungeon crawling to city building it's worlds more unique than genshins boring copy paste pseudo horde modes

  2. I'm late to this video but as someone who came from playing Persona 5…to HSR (Because I like P5's turn-based so much. I thought I'd give this a try) the gameplay was not it for me. I like the characters, elements, buffs, debuffs, and Healers, but It just felt like something was missing.

  3. I think there's one more thing that is way better in the Genshin – it's animation of movements, in HSR movements still look like in many other games, way robotic and unnatural while in Genshin movements are so fluid and natural and realistic – it was one of the first reasons why I liked this game even so I didn't play games before (because I don't like stiff animation of movements). In Genshin it's just so satisfying to walk around because of how nice the animation has been done.

  4. Played both, several hours. HSR is a linear storyline based vs GI is an open world action adventure genre.
    HSR is a turn based game while GI is a full action gameplay.
    Imo, HSR is a waste of time. No exploration, extremely limited, way too much information about the lore, mechanics, NPS’s stories & very childish dialogues & interactions.. It’s not funny, neither even entertaining and it has 0 innovation. The story telling seems more polished in HSR than GI, but with way, way too many unecessary details.
    I’ve talked with several people who’ve also played both games, vaste majority say about the same things : HSR tried to compensate GI’s lackluster department with another gameplay & more details about the story (some parts of the story are cool but questing overall in HSR isn’t fun or interesting, from start to end).
    Not even talking about the daily quests.. they’re just, not worth mentionning.
    Regarding the gameplay mechanics they kept the elemental str/weak with another approach and for a turn based game it’s kinda cool to initiate a fight by striking your ennemy using the elemental advantage to have this burst damage at the start of a fight. Other than that, gameplay is extremely.. boring.

  5. As a completionist in Genshin, sometimes, the exploration can actually feel as if it's not enough, especially if you're staring at 100% on every map, on- or underground. But then again, that's where out-of-bounds exploration comes in, and it's a whole new experience again. And there's also achievements to hunt for (but at 985 now, that's thinning out as well so I really do gotta take it slower).

  6. I didn't jump on Star Rail because I didn't know if I'd be able to keep up with two games at teh same time, already got too much to do as it is and once you miss out on the early days you miss out on a lot of stuff permanently.

  7. I like both Games a lot. When Star Rail came out, I was happy to have a new game and it didnt took long for me to feel nothing but love for this game. That time around, I was bored of Genshin, something everyone will be after playing it a lot I think. I guess Star Rail helped a lot in that regard, so I had something else to focus on while I neglected Genshin for a while. Now I play both games every day again, my love for Genshin reignited, and I am really hyped about the 4.0 dropping soon.

  8. Genshin is like 2 1/2 to 3 years old while hsr, at this point, isn't hit 6 month anni yet. I play both but I find myself enjoying hsr way more as its still new (honeymoon phase) and what not. My biggest issue with genshin is how i feel like i have to play catch up no matter if i have maxed level teams or not and it just becomes a chore and not something i want to do on my spare time.

  9. I play both games, but I like Genshin more because 1) I like the exploration style games more (jumping and flying and climbing – all that is so great), 2) I like Genshin quests much more thrilling and immersive, 3) Genshin has got livelier graphics, 4) I like music in Genshin more than in HSR. Yeah, tastes differ.

  10. What people don't realise is that Honkai is able to refine more of it's gameplay due to it having a lot less content to play in. Genshin has a massive open world with hundreds of quests and enemies and features while Honkai doesn't, so genshin is able to create more content and will continue to do so while Honkai is refining what it has. If you change either side too drastically then players will almost certainly feel disappointed unless they go about it slowly and methodically.

  11. Star rail got an epilepsy warning put before the title screen

    I have epilepsy

    Hmmmmm yeah idc ill just close my eyes during the parts that may trigger epilepsy

  12. i find it fun to do more there are so many games like honkai star rail genshin lets you learn how to actually play and get ur skills up unlike stqr rqil u just press a bottun cant dodge and no artifacts so u cant make ur character like ur own choice

  13. As a person who played both I feel that all the improvements genshin needed was dumped into Hsr

    In all honesty I just wish genshins characters had some sort of personality and actually existed outside of events like seeing diluc in angels share or at the dawn winery or even bump into alhaitham while walking around his house. I get that they allow us to put them into our pot but they only have around 5 different lines and get boring after a while. The little jokes in hsr are very fun and the characters actually respond it’s not just paimon saying one line and ignoring your existence. Traveler not talking is also something as the excuse that their still learning the language shouldn’t count anymore due to the amount of voice lines they have and that we have gone through 4 regions with practically no talking.

  14. ok idk why you didnt mention it but in Genshin you can take character like Bennet (Supp) and build it to be DPS you can take DPS and build it to be support while in Star rail its much harder thanks to role of character and making light cores to be ussable on this specific character. its like they don't want you to experiment with something like buiding Bronya DPS or Gepard bcs you need to take light core that is based around supporting your team. tbh i like to experiment with characters in genshin and its fun while in star rail its much harder to do something like this mostly thanks to light cores. Also we have to remember in Genshin you have normal atack that in worst case is 3 strike combo (Layla) and charged atak Skill and Ult. while in star rail there is atack/skill/ult and if we take our Bronya as a example She does have only one demaging atack. Thats my biggest minus in Honkai Star Rail : Not letting players experiment with diffrent characters or just making it hard to do.

  15. i just hope they implementing element reaction, no need to be OP reaction dmg but at least they can react each other different element,

  16. Im actually glad star rail doesn't have the tedious genshin exploration don't get me wrong i liked exploring in genshin but it got boring and annoying way too quickly for me

  17. Yes i love Enkanomiya even if i haven't explored finished. I love Albedo's events and events in Enkanomiya. I really hope there would be events in Enkanomiya again

  18. i have to agree with the statement that hoyo has to do smth abt genshin or else hsr will take over as the main game of hoyo. With how much more money genshin can make vs hsr cause of it's combat system and balancing, that'd be really bad for hoyo.

  19. 9:00 For real, Genshin has amazing potential for interesting combat, but all we usually get is a flat arena, few enemies and a timer. Imagine if there were times when we have to utilize the terrain in a fight. The closest we have is the stormterror fight (with the platforms and wind currents), or Scaramouche phase 1. Which is weird considering weekly bosses only ever exist inside their arenas, so it should be no problem to design those spaces a bit more.
    Or imagine fighting standard enemies (hillichurls, hoarders, fatui), but in a dungeon full of traps that damage both the player and enemy. I guess domains like Lisa's kinda have that? There's platforms, barrels and spikes, but it's usually either puzzle or enemy, rarely both at once.

  20. I believe Genshin needs a competition and other non Hoyoverse ARPG gacha should rise with it.
    Banners must change. Why is Ganyu bow in standard banner again?
    Old redundant characters must change and upgraded: Qiqi, starters 4 stars etc.
    MC is the only 5 star with 1 star stats. This should change.
    With not having much competition, the devs know this very well that the community will shun any other games which is 2% similar and call it 'Genshin Killer' mockingly. So Hoyoverse know this full well that they don't have to waste time fixing it. Oh I remember how my eyes were burning reading the hate comments against the boringness or the recent Sorush event. Also most players nowadays are confined with primos only. I can just imagine the player-base condition if devs lowers primo rewards by only 20%. A player can even complete the game until today version if devs add the skip button for dialogues and cutscenes.
    If Genshin is a game which is only bound by primos, I am not sure why does some community acts as if Genshin is the only game in this world.
    I wouldn't be surprised if community says GTA 5 is Genshin copy because they are both open worlds. Or even Call of Duty is a Genshin copy because Genshin has a pyro Fatui sniper.
    Gesnhin needs a very hard hitting competitor.

  21. I don't wanna seem negative, but I think the complaints about not being able to jump in Star Rail make no sense. It's a turn-based RPG, most of which don't even have jumping at all (I mean, look at Pokemon, where the only jumping you can do is over little ledges). I feel like people complaining about that are just so used to playing Genshin, but Star Rail is a different genre and doesn't need to have the levels of exploration that Genshin has.

  22. I'd just like to state that I much prefer Honkai Star Rail's battle system because it has a lot more room for variety than Genshin's battle system does. You are far more likely to require different strategies for different fights, while in Genshin, you can get away with the same two or three team setups for just about any content in the game. The combat system in Genshin is almost disturbingly limited in the sense that specific enemy types are very hard to make compelling as enemies without just adding gimmicks to make them annoying (Menku Genki or w/e they're called anyone?)

    It's also significantly easier to characterize people by how they fight in Star Rail's. Fighting Gepard in Jarilo-VI was an excellent introduction into what kind of person he is, as an example.

  23. I trust this company with the ability to make something simple grow more and more complex. The amount of ways they make me engaged pressing 2 buttons in Impact Thrid has have me playing for years.