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Outro: Caspro – Memory Drive

Edited by ⇨ Rickie

#taxi2g #apex #movement #pathfinder #ranked #apexlegends #fps #battleroyale #twitch #streaming

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  1. i came back to this game and i forgor how fucked up some randoms are
    without playing this game for 12 hours a day like i did back in 2021 you just cant play with randoms because there is no one that can carry their asses

  2. I'm always curious about people who saying that you can rat to master, are we playing the same ranked? Because i have regular experiance of 10-14 living squads in pre last zone, only God know how can they all sitting in such a small area in total silence untill you start rotating closer then you get shoot from all possible and impossible positions. Other experiance involves guys who just push everything what breath in our poor universe in their short lives they do 140 damge and then rest in piece forever and of course the enemies of 999 lvl with kills count more then my total account damage, since they notice you they will chase you like a for 15 kilometers deep into red zone, it seems that purpose of their lives is to kill that lonely frightened Pathfinder in white skin.

  3. I got to Masters o nmy main, but it was almost as mentally draining as last season. I either get stuck with rats, or people who will try to 1v3 a whole team with no comms, when they can't even 1v1 a straw into a juice box.

  4. Solo q is so ass, my teammates or either literally brain dead or just wanna camp all game its crazy. Like they pick dumb spots to go,pick dumb fights then when we do fight they cant even win a single 1v1 for that matter lol. Been playing with my boy nd i finally hit masters

  5. i'm solo Q'ing since ranked exist, and this season is horrible, i've been master, got 20k bomb badge, and 4 k dmg, i got trashed by bots with 2k badge who are masters because they rats every game, if they try to shoot a tree, they would miss it… thanks for this season