
Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked Character Tier List (Ranking Every Legend from Worst to Best)

With legends constantly evolving for the better or worse, it’s important to stay on top of the best legends in the game. So today I’ll be going over my Apex Legends Season 12 “Ranked” Character Tier List. From worst to best I go over all the legends and rate them specifically based on ranked mode! So tournaments and pubs are out of the question! Would also love to read your lists down in the comments below 🙂 Consider Subscribing to Join The Champion Squad for more content!

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  1. If you only use revs ult to third party it's much more effective (in the early-mid game anyway, late game it's still usually a death sentence). It can also be used defensively to stop an aggressive push, hardly see anyone talk about that application but it's worked great for me (master rank). I do feel his ult is underwhelming now though. The real strength that comes from Revs kit and what makes him at least A tier in my opinion is the climbing speed/height and the biggest thing, the crouch walk. Rev is the slipperiest target at close range because of the crouch speed. Tap strafing and crouching is way more effective on Rev than on any other legend because of this. Huge deal that I hardly see anyone ever talk about.

  2. I feel like wraith is not as good as she used to be.
    1. Portal is useless in the ring, disappears way to fast

    2. Her tac takes so long to start, and if you know wraith at all it's super easy to predict where she'll go and shoot her when she comes out of the void

  3. Everyone has rev as a low pick. I get that he’s not the easiest legend to play but no one’s gives enough credit to his audio and visual queues that rattle the competition when using his tactical (even skilled players hesitate for at least a second when the screen flashes and shows the chains on your ability plus the orange aura in the corners of your FOV.
    His ult gets played wrong all the time , you don’t use it for a free life by setting it up close to a fight and pushing in, but by setting it up far and using it as a way to get poke damage for free and waste their batteries or a way to reset at a distance after you push.
    I didn’t play rev until this season and he’s amazing. New main

    His tactical can also be used to shut down doors and pathways, I pop it right on top of myself when getting a revive because it’s hard to see through the glowing + pulsing orb, etc. give him a try

  4. As soon as you said that Seer is better than Crypto I just stopped listening cos I knew you were talking out of your ass. BH being better? Debatable but I could agree with that. If anyone places Crypto lower than A tier has probably never played a premade ranked game in their life.

  5. I won’t lie dude seer is a beast I didn’t realize how good his abilities were until I played a couple games with him I’ve been maining him for ranked ever since I’ve slowly solo qued to d2 which is an accomplishment for me because I never even hit diamond lol wish me luck I’m almost to masters baby wooooo

  6. Definitely don't think Maggie is a C. Her tac does 160 damage in 9 seconds and forces enemies out of cover. Or just kills them if they're low. Ult is good for rotations as well as escapes too, not just pushing in.

  7. If they made a crypto drone capable of maintaining position relative to crypto from wherever you place it that might fix the issue, while still allowing you to emp based on your team and your playstyles.

  8. RECAP
    [S TIER] Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Valkyrie
    [A TIER] Loba, Horizon, Bangalore, Wraith
    [B TIER] Mirage, Watson, Pathfinder, Octane, Ash
    [C TIER] Caustic, Crypto, Fuze, Mad Maggie, Seer
    [D TIER] Rampart, Revenant, Lifeline