
Apex Legends New Aim Assist Nerf A Huge Mistake…

Apex Legends New Aim Assist Nerf A Huge Mistake…Speaking at the ALGS Season 18 preview event for media, press and content creators devs confirmed that a potential Aim assist nerf was on their agenda.”We’re definitely looking at aim assist. We don’t have any changes at this time but it is something we definitely want to address. I think it has become more apparent, the reason the SMG meta is the way it is, is because of Controller.”
Developers did go on to emphasise just how technically challenging it is to make adjustments to the aim assist algorithm. It isn’t just as simple as lowering a slider tune aim assist down from the current “0.4” value to something else.
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  1. Cant believe it but i think im done with apex for good. i havent played since season 16 but im tired of the pros and respawn with their dumb decisions. Fortnite has been a nice change of pace

  2. Okay the smg meta def isn’t a controller issue especially considering pc players can just use an smg like an assault rifle in there aim is good enough meanwhile controller players are almost exclusively using them for close range to back up long range weapons I don’t know what they want from controller players at this point

  3. Apex was the only one game I played on free time for the last few years , but now it is so boring in ranked, because you need spent hours and hours in game every day to see a little progress. I even started to look for other games to play…

  4. Watchu mean some people need aim assist?? No bro they need to git gud .you dont see pc players say "i need to get hacks cos im trash" we all need to practice not get coddled like a baby.mad coz bad thats a very silly argument to make. Bro we have 100hr 45 year old fuse with AA dominating 1k hr mnk players how does that work?? Gtfo

  5. I think it’s kinda balanced ya I get it controller has a better aim assist but that is because they have 2 joysticks and not a mouse and computer people can be like Timmy moving across the whole map lmao

  6. if they nerf aim assist then everyone who genuinely is better on controller will straight up have to quit. The MnK players love to downplay how much of an advantage they have in EVERY OTHER AREA other than close SMG gunfights…. the smg meta wont go away with an AA nerf, itll just be MnK players 99% of the time at Diamond+ absuing it rather than controllers… so sad

  7. If u play roller..without paddles .there literally time where u have to STOP aiming to press other buttons..but no all these playstaion scumbag dorks start cheating to keep up with xbox players…noowwwww contoller is o.p…oh..nooooow roller bears mouse and key..or could it be roller isnt o.p at all and when ppl cry about aim assist..they are clueless ppl that are actually crying about zens amd strike packs. But ye we chilling .lets just let playstation players kill the game for everyone

  8. this ranked system sucks too like trial i cant get out of it cuz every time i get in a fight its either a 3 stacking pred or my teammates just want run away as soon as one person goes down respawn if its too hard to make a good ranked system after this much time then just put the ranked system that was in S10 and plz put in LTMs i am not playing boring ranked and pubs

  9. Despite aim assist being controversial, I think it should stay for the switch. The switch is already hindered far worse than the average console. The low frame rates, the large amounts of lag, and static 70 fov is terrible. It's also the only thing I can play on for now. Also, if I win just give me apex coins. It's easier that way.

  10. So, pc players can run scripts, play at 244fps, use bugs to their advantage (like moving while looting among others), do crazy movement using macros, jitter aim (eliminates all recoil), amongst other things I’m not too sure about… But, aim assist is a problem??? Sounds a lot like “how dare you have something that helps you, on something that costs half of what my keyboard costs!.” …

  11. so if i play on a 60hrz monitor then why dont i ghet a 0.6 aim assist on PC? i dont care about PC aim assist i care about console and because i cant turn off playing with console player like they can seems unfaire

  12. Crazy how apex is so slow to everything literally like we still haven’t had the new console update and the new consoles already been out for a minute like come on man rather go play Fortnite and I hate Fortnite wild

  13. Removing self revive was a phenomenal move. What was more toxic than knocking a rat octane and then they take their pad while they’re down, revive and shoot you in the back. F that. And digi threat needs to be removed as well as all these ridiculous visual clutter effects. Cat wall, bang smoke, horizon ult, fuse ult. Being able to see and hear is pretty much the basic requirements for everything we do in life. Setting aim assist on console to pc values is the only aim assist changes needed imo. I play controller on console (but played for two years on pc) and console aim assist is CANCER. Bots WILL beam you. Ps. F the pros!!!! They are literally a bunch of kids who played video games into their adult life and A: know nothing. B: think they know everything. Dangerous combo. Which famous streamer worked 60 hours a week? Or has been thru any struggle besides their mom saying no to buying them skins coming up?

  14. yes Apex's current state is the product of milking the players and the game dry while also sucking the pro player's nuts dry. Pro's complaining about a self res has been the dumbest shit i've ever seen for any pro scene. Its a literal free kill but they don't wanna deal with it and they've ruined the game for people. Also yes aim assist needs to be nerfed this game and Destiny have some of the most outrages aim assist i've seen in any game and its pathetic that people use it just to abuse it and you get into these situations where you're playing against someone using it and you just can't do anything about it when the aim assist locks on. My friend that played on console quit the game when he moved to pc because he realized just how trash he was without aim assist which was really funny to me, but I had been telling him before he got the pc. You and everyone else on console or using a controller are being hard carried by aim assist. I've not used a controller for shooters in like 6 years and I can grab the controller and kill most of the people I take fights with despite the muscle memory being gone. If console is in pc lobbies it should def be nerfed but I think an overall nerf would be better so they don't decide to just turn crossplay off and everyone will be on a fair playing field crossplay or not. If we wanna truly be fair then nerf tap strafing too but we know how that went.

  15. Theirs not a single shooter game where I've seen controller aim assist removed. People need to understand that controller players absolutely need aim assist

  16. Make a sad paper towel happy for this Christmasand bless a long time subscriber with a loba heirloom so I can afford the Christmas bloodhound skin as well please😭🙏🙏🙏🙏

  17. Why does mnk have to be better than controller? It’s not like it’s cheating and your movement is limited. This is one of the few games where controller isn’t severely disadvantaged compared to mnk. The pros aren’t pro’s because of aim assist. This nerf will hurt the casual player base more.