
Apex Legends New Heirlooms Has Some Problems…

Apex Legends New Heirloom Recolor Has Some Problems…The chances of Octane receiving the brand-new Heirloom recolor are significantly higher than Crypto. Considering the fact that Crpyto’s Biwon has only recently been released, Octane is a more ideal candidate for the Heirloom recolor. As discussed before, with the release of Wraith’s ‘Hope’s Dawn,’ the community was extremely happy to finally get their hands on yet another rendition of the Kunai, that too at half the price. While it is not confirmed whether the upcoming recolor release will be at half price, there is always a chance of Respawn releasing a cosmetic with a festive discount, especially with Christmas and New Year’s right around the corner.
#apexlegendsnews #apexlegendsheirloom #apexlegendsevent

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  1. Sorry to break it to you but the LTM sucks.
    That’s why they took over all of trios with it; because that’s the only way it gets enough players to sustain.
    Anyone who’s saying these iconic skins are good; or any better than any middle tier legendary skin is COPING HARD.
    The skins are dogshit. Only half the gun skins are above average but not better than others.

    Fuck this whole event.

  2. What? He opened 20+ packs and got 1 iconic? I opened 6 and got 2 wattson from the free pack and horizon on pack 3 or 4. Got 2 legendary the spitfire and the charge rifle and 1 sticker pack and the banner that goes with wattson.

  3. the fact that they put a paywall behind a lot of the items is absolutely pathetic. i had to open 20 packs from the event just to get the nemesis skin… (it’s the best gun skin in the entire collection imo) but i can’t help but feel hurt for my wallet

  4. This game has been completely overshadowed by greed. “Legendary” stickers, recolors, $10 for an event pack and never adding any quality of life updates… it’s disgusting.