
Mindfull App Case Study | Apple Watch OS redesign project.

Project past case study:

In this video, I’ll be sharing a design case study of a mindful Apple watch app that I created to address the lack of motivation to do mindful exercise, a common challenge among students. The app’s gamification concept rewards users with the opportunity to make new friends on campus upon completion of mindfulness exercises. Users have reported a positive impact on their mental wellness.

Throughout the video, I’ll be walking you through the design process, including ideation, prototyping, and refining the final product. I’ll also discuss the recent UI redesign based on Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, which has improved the user experience.

This design case study will be helpful for those interested in UI/UX design and app development. By watching, you’ll learn valuable tips and tricks that you can apply to your own projects.

So, grab a cup of coffee and join me for this informative video on a mindful Apple watch app design case study. Don’t forget to hit the like and subscribe button for more content like this.
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