
WWDC 2023 Preview – iOS 17, Apple VR Headset & 15-inch MacBook Air! It’s a Big Deal!

There’s new details about everything we expect to see at WWDC 2023! iOS 17, watchOS 10, the rumored Apple ‘Reality Pro’ Headset, and a new 15-inch Macbook Air. This is gonna be a big deal.

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  1. The separate battery is a neat idea. You can always offer bigger batteries later and, it makes the headset smaller. The thing that determines if it wins is if you get cords snagging. If it works out well this could be the future.

  2. VR is almost dead because the clarity isn’t there. It’s a blurry mess. Now if Apple can make it almost perfect, VR/AR will be back. Now the competition begins and it will force companies to make better and cheaper headsets just to stay relevant.

  3. Ironic really that Apple is about to slip on the biggest banana ever. Do you, they or anyone actually think people are going to spend around THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS for a headset that makes you look like a total pussy?!… This thing is going to be the biggest flop of all time.
    Personally, I think Apple have lost the plot. What’s more I think Tim Cook should be fired, IMMEDIATELY!! He’s an idiot without a clue.

  4. AR is dumb. Only way VR takes off for me is when I can watch sports from the players perspective. Imagine watching a football game from a video feed from the players helmet. Then being able to switch between players for a different experience on one play. Or being in VR sitting court side. Lots of options in sports.

  5. Everything Apple introduced on the market has been a huge HIT, except the pocket computer called Newton😏 and may be also the original Home Pod. As the Apple Smartwatch, the iPad and their wireless headphones called AirPods and AirPods Pro, I do expect this VR/AR glasses will reach the top of the market (once the price will come down to what normal humains are able to afford)!

  6. $3000 for a headset?

    No…especially since Apple chose to reinvest there billions into software/tech and not into the American Economy or world health poverty/wellness; And nice video Brian smh

  7. I think the VR headset will be cool. Using just your hands for navigation is going to be great and I don’t mind a small tethered battery so that the headset is very lightweight.

  8. I’m ready for Apple to change design of the phone I’m tired of carrying big phones it’s time for the fold and flip phones. Apple VR headset is a waste my vr has been in the closet for 3 years.

  9. I’m actually hoping they will completely redo Siri to have massive AI integration with true conversational ability and the ability to remember and learn me in general. I don’t even care about VR.

  10. It looks to me Apple 🍎 reached a dead line with Tim Cook. Putting the stress on profits only and not innovation all these years now you can feel they are limited and they cannot impress anyone and anymore. It smells the degeneration phase, it’s the cycle of life especially when you focus a lot on stocks and profit and not users and innovation.😂

  11. You have to remove the battery from the headset. Honestly a smart move from an engineering standpoint. Less weight on your head. Also better for consumer experience.

  12. Hackers can turn games built with Unreal Engine into VR games, e.g., Hogwarts a Legacy. If Apple can unlock this for this headset then they have a killer app. This may require external memory storage paired with the power pack but I’m sure they can figure it out if hackers can. I also like the idea of VR (3D) FaceTime calls but that’s unlikely at that price point.

  13. VR is a bit like 3-D. They are both such fun to use but the novelty soon wears off and VR like 3-D is not always practical, However Apple's VR AR headset could be a great gaming machine if it was priced around $500 to a $1000 limit and even at a loss Apple would make the money back on the games sales,
    if Apple VR,AR headset is successful it will be successful as a gaming machine and it will sit alongside the PlayStation Xbox that's the category it will be in, as for serious productivity you still be looking at your laptop or a smart phone or a PC for the most part