
Apple Is Ripe for a Midlife Crisis

As Silicon Valley spirals deeper into its midlife crisis, we really need Apple to be the normal one. But the pressures of Vision Pro and news of “Apple GPT” lead CNET’s Bridget Carey to worry that Apple may go through an unusual phase.

Read the CNET article for more info:
Apple Has Created Its Own AI Chatbot, Report Says

0:00 Tech Companies Are Changing Their Image
1:00 Vision Pro Dev Kits and ‘Apple GPT’
1:37 Apple Vision Pro Coming Soon for Developers
3:59 How Exciting Should Tech Be?
4:50 Apple’s New AI Chatbot: Apple GPT
6:37 Samsung Shows Restraint with New Galaxy Products

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  1. Apple as often stated needs additional product(s) to reduce its dependency on iPhone revenue. Their big success comes from refining existing ideas versus marketing products as new invention(s).

    The company has demonstrated its strength by improving services with Apple TV+ and its series of quality shows. Along with Apple Card services that helps customer’s purchase their Apple products. Plus, they didn’t lose fans on their legacy products. If Apple can maintain that direction and market themselves as “cool” for the next generation they might continue their success for another decade.

  2. Apple is losing it's identity, they are trying to be google… It's better for them to focus on what really they are good at, iphones and their chipset are doing great.. They are too invested on that stupid goggles and their new iphones looks like a phone released on year 2018

  3. As stated by others below, if Siri were to be made smarter it would be a very smart move for apple apple needs to go in hard on tech that works seamless with apple products and rely on subscriptions for the business model

  4. Why does she sound edgy for the sake of being edgy Apple isn’t in a mid life crisis that’s already happened for the company before the iPhone Apple is just continuing with what it’s always done ….. the iPhone will remain the breadwinner while Apple gets small periods of selling out of the limited stock of the vision pro headset … it’s scarcity will help push the innovation curve and once the supply chain reaches equilibrium to salethem at the scales of a Mac or an iPad Pro version two will be available with 30percent design changes and updated internal version one will be discontinued just like the iPhone X and a cheaper vision headset will be available in the second generation or the 3rd gen