
Xiaomi 13 Ultra vs Galaxy S23 Ultra vs iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera Comparison

Can the new camera superphone Xiaomi 13 Ultra beat the popular iPhone 14 Pro Max and Galaxy S23 Ultra in a real-world camera test? We compare daytime and night-time photos from the main camera, ultra-wide camera and zoom, and we also take a look at the video recording to see which phone comes out on top.
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00:00 Front Camera Test
00:24 Xiaomi 13 Ultra Camera Setup
00:50 Specs
01:10 120x zoom
01:47 Leica Authentic vs Vibrant
02:31 Main Camera
03:44 Low Light Camera Test
04:40 Video Quality
05:14 3x Zoom
06:16 5x and 10x Zoom
07:01 Xiaomi 13 Ultra Portrait Mode
07:29 Portrait Mode Comparison
08:12 Selfies
09:03 Ultra-wide Comparison
10:40 Xiaomi 13 Ultra Pros
11:19 Xiaomi 13 Ultra Cons

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  1. Why does it have 2 telephoto lenses? One has 3.2x and one has 5x optical zoom. I mean, you can just use the 5x zoom lens to do a 3.2x zoom, right? Could someone enlighten me of what I could be missing from this?

  2. 10x is an absolute necessity in a phone . That is the primary reason why I got my s23 ultra. Especially when I need to take close up shots of the deities in temples.

    S24 ultra should have a sensor crop of the 200mp lens till 3.9x and then have a 5x telephoto with a 50mp sensor and then a 10x telephoto with a 50mp sensor . That would truly blow the competition.

  3. There is cinematic option on Xiaomi
    In video mode go to filter (star sign) then u have 2 option to change, beauty and bokeh, increase the boke to have a nice portrait video.

  4. Hello, I think Xiaomi took 100x zoom from Samsung, aperture and mm performance from Sony xperia, video stabilization from iphone and made a pro camera for its leica camera system……😊

  5. I own s23 ultra, but i would get the 13 ultra because its cheaper and don't have that useless spen. I would miss better battery but i'd rather save money and have a phone without spen.