
“Gwen” Benchmark WOD Demo: 220821

Lauren Gravatt and Jessica do the workout of the day for 220821: “Gwen.”

Clean and jerk 15-12-9 reps

Touch and go at the floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use the same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

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Compare to 210604.

Experienced athletes should perform this benchmark workout as written. The beginner should focus on mechanics and consistency instead of loading. Warm up by adding weight slowly, ensuring the load allows you to maintain great technique. Newer athletes should ignore the touch-and-go requirement and instead take a second or two to establish a sound setup position.

Beginner Option:
Clean and jerk 12-9-6 reps

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  1. Great work but a lot of no reps, all the new guys watching those reps, its no good, media its for know how whe do all the movements not just playing crossfit… But the effort very nice

  2. I hate to think of the long term stress injuries from all that lifting. The more I see cross fit the I dislike it.
    It seems like that huge space could be put to better use. House some homeless maybe 🤔?