
How to Use Prompts in AIPRM (Unlock amazing powers for ChatGPT)

Discover the power of AIPRM and learn how to use its prompts like a pro!

Christoph C. Cemper, the founder of AIPRM, will give you a comprehensive overview of how to use prompts with AIPRM.

AIPRM is a browser extension for chat GPT that has quickly gained over 72,000 users just 10 weeks after its launch. It’s not just a simple browser gimmick, but it has a huge database cluster behind it on our servers, which allows us to maintain a large prompt library.

Prompts are instructions given to an AI large language model like ChatGPT, and they are often sold as one simple sentence. However, prompts are much more than just one sentence. Don’t waste your money on buying generic and poor quality prompt lists that you may come across on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Amazon.

With AIPRM, you have the advantage of an engineered source code like a new programming source code, that presents you with a nicely formatted list of outputs. You’re not typing in just one sentence, but you’re using a tool that provides the best way to learn how to use prompts.

AIPRM is not just a tool, but it’s a marketplace and a community. With its premium plan, you have access to productivity features like the tone selector and the style selector, but most of AIPRM is completely free. AIPRM is not just a tool to select your writing style, but the real magic is in the community of almost 700,000 users who are working on these prompts that you can use with just one click.

In this video, I’ll show you how to use prompts in AIPRM and how simple it is. You can select a prompt, type in your input, and click on the arrow to send it off. You’ll also see how to create a prompt and how to use it with Midjourney to generate amazing output.

So, don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to use prompts with AIPRM and take your AI skills to the next level.

Watch the video now and join the AIPRM community today!

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  1. Hello guys! I love the aiprm extension. recently it is no longer loading inside my chrome extension when i load the chatgpt page. Is there any advise on how to fix this? I have already tried removing/installing the extension without any luck

  2. Man you are terrible at making guides. Stick to the point, the video only has 1 minute of actual information. Also, did you slow down the video? at 1.25x speed you talk at a normal speed.
    No matter what prompt I I select, it just sends what I wrote and i get the normal response as if i wouldn't use be using AIPRM. I am logged in and connected.

  3. Why is AIPRM not able to continue properly where CHATGPT stopped writing (limit) after I prompt for it to CONTINUE … AIPRM/CHATGPT continues by writing something totally unrelated junk?

  4. Is there any way to have the actual URL remain in the results display versus disappearing and leaving just a linked notation number? I have searched everywhere and my friend has the same extension but the url remains displayed in the results

  5. Can I use AIPRM prompts to generate answers in the playground area? So I’ll explain more about the use I want. I will be using the chatgpt’s AI to generate answers let’s say for my website, and I would like to use AIPRM to generate the answers. Will that be possible?

  6. Absolutely pathetic cash grab. I have nothing against someone being resourceful and creatively earning a living, but this guy took other people's work, which they contributed thinking they were participating in an open source community project, and he is now charging exorbitant fees for access to the community's work. Not okay and completely unethical. I will not use this extension ever out of principle, even if it is the best prompt archive available. (News flash… it's not.) SMH

  7. I have been around for a few weeks. I am very happy I upgraded both AIPRM & ChatGPT. I actually bought one of those ebooks with sentences and felt cheated. I am very excited to learn your system and really dig in and help people. Thank you for being a true expert in this space. 🙂

  8. I've got to say, the service you guys offer is really amazing. But, as someone who creates prompts, I can't help but feel a bit left out. I mean, I spend days working on the perfect prompt, and when I put it on AIPRM, everyone else can just use it for free, and I get nothing in return. It seems like the list of users and prompts keeps getting bigger, but those of us who actually create the prompts aren't getting any credit or compensation.

    I know it's all about building a community, sharing, learning, and growing together, but it's tough not to feel a bit overlooked when you're putting in the work. I promise I'm not trying to be a hater—I'm actually a big fan of AIPRM, and I've got some cool prompts in the works. I've just been holding back because of these concerns.